Important Next Steps
Complete the following steps to be all good to go!

Download our freelancer mobile app
- Android Phones: click here to download.
- Apple Phones: click here to download.
IMPORTANT: Use Invite Code: YEPVLU to find our space after downloading the app and join.
The mobile app is titled Wix because it is the technology we have built our platform on. The mobile app allows you to respond to potential clients and established clients faster, get notifications right away, and get access to freelancer specific updates, announcements, and features so make sure to download it and stay logged in.
Download the Timedoctor desktop app
This is our time tracking and screenshot capture software that is very important that we remember to run every time we are working for a client because this what we go off to pay you and charge the client correctly.
You should make sure to press play on the timer when you start work each day and press stop at the end of shift and any time you take breaks throughout the day. When a client hires you we will upload their project into your time doctor account so that you can track your working time under that client, when you download the desktop app you will not see any projects since a client has not hired you yet.

Create a free Zoom account and understand how we do calls
Most clients will want to have a call before they hire you which is great! It’s an opportunity to connect at a deeper level with the client than just chat. The best way to interview, training, screen share sessions, or any calls is through zoom.
Go to the zoom website here and create a free zoom account so that you can initiate zoom calls with potential and current clients when it's time to have a call.
Please watch the video showing you how to initiate and use zoom if you have never initiated a zoom call before.
Get familiar with the platform and wait for a potential client to contact you.

Now that your profile is complete we will start advertising it to potential clients and encouraging them to contact you. When they do, you will get notified right away in the app and make sure to respond as quickly as possible. While waiting, it's a great time to get familiar with the website and app as well as improve your skills with our free training content so you can better serve your customers and earn more.